“The hardest job in the world….” Mark snores, cooks, cleans and makes tea (and more tea) ….He is the  living  engine  of the jogle machine…he is the driver. Drivers blog . Day 5 . Rest day, not for some. 01.30, Dave and Ben, leave the room in a dash for sleep. To escape the bear, who said, he was on his none snoring side. Then breakfast, by gas stove,(in the room) . Had to take Shane’s bike to the repair shop. Clean the kit using the hotel washing machine and staff. Cleaned the bikes and van. Now we can rest. Already driven 1,200 miles, 9 speed cameras. Worst thing about driving, is being called to say we have changed the route. You try finding someone in the Highlands!!!!! Supporting the boys, making tea and breakfast, and more tea, dinner and more tea. Only upset a few Scottish road users so far, by making three point turns and very good breaking!!!!! . Today team worked well. All in good spirits for tomorrow. Driver out. The hardest job in the world

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