

Well, after the end of a long days cycling, writing the blog is not at the top of mind however just downed two Red Bulls so will type whilst my fingers are still tingling!!

The previous night wasn’t incident free as Mark made sure the van door was firmly shut however forgot to ask Ben to move his hand – I learnt some new words as Ben collected his fingers from the road!!

The day was 110 miles long and we spent most of it trying to work out where Mark was as he’s not great at using a phone map and always seemed to be 20 miles away… We started to get desperate when we were 2 hours late for getting some lunch and heads were dropping as our bodies were running out of energy. Finally at 2pm Mark arrived ( probably been asleep in a lay by) and we were so pleased to see him we let out a little cheer… The cheer soon stopped when Mark said there wasn’t any Tesco’s in the countryside and he could whip us up some porridge – Mark’s porridge is legendary however  Shane still has some stuck to the roof of his mouth from Thursday!!

Only one small fall today and that was from me however managed to fall onto Ben and break his I phone holder so the directions went up in smoke once again!!

Landed at 6.30pm (left Chester at 7.45am) and its great to see an Indian restaurant next to the hotel – we just need to draw straws as to who rides behind James tomorrow!!

Our last mile of the day saw us get a cheer from a plumber in the van and reminds us why we are doing this epic challenge..

Thanks Dave

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