Daily Archives: September 9, 2012

“So where is this @&@& Loch Nessy thing then?”

Well, I thought being the only RC on the trip I might get out of writing the blog but no, I have been told today is my turn!!

We all sprang out of bed for 6am and Mark got cooking whilst the rest of us reminded Shane that there were other people on the campsite so could he reduce the volume of his fog horn!!

The first 30 miles were fairly flat and we managed to get some speed and distance in before we hit a beast of a mountain that took the wind out of our sails!! The good news was Loch Ness was on the other side which was beautiful so we were all excited about having lunch with an amazing view.

Sadly Mark the driver had a different idea and we ate in a lay by with trees for a view.  Second half was a bit more hilly and it belted down for the last 5 miles so we all arrived rather bedraggled with 100 miles under our belt. Of course the day had a few mishaps…

Shane managed to break a spoke and decided it was easier to snap it off!

Shane got a buckled wheel which was no surprise as he had removed a spoke.

Shane’s buckled wheel rubbed on his brake pads so much he now has now no rear brake.

Shane stopped for a photo, couldn’t get his foot out and had to be pulled out of the bushes!!

Line of the day came from James who mixed with a few choice words asked “So where is this @&@& Loch Nessy thing then?”

Got to be on the bikes for 7am tomorrow so early nite tonight!!
